Tiverton Canal Bowling Club

Match Report

Match Report - 24 Apr 2024, Tiverton Canal Bowling Club Friendly Triples lost to Tiverton B C ( Park) 4 x 3

First of the season Match Report – 24th April 2024
TBBC v Tiverton Park (Friendly) 4 x Mixed Triples
Weather fine with pleasant warm sunshine.
Green good with reasonable pace for start of the season.
Rink 3 skipped by Kevin Parkin with Rod at Lead and Kevin Lower, was a close affair at 5 – 6 after seven ends but Park, skipped by Mike Turner, got on a good run to push ahead 5 – 13 after eleven. Borough fought back well to close to within 2 shots but Park held strong to complete the win, 12 – 17.
Rink 4 – Captains, John Gutteridge and Alan Horwood had interesting tussle with Alan’s side racing off to a 0 – 8 start following a ‘5’ on the fourth end but thankfully for John, they managed to reply with a ‘5’ on the next end and this helped them on the way to level scores, 11 – 11 after ten ends. Park then started to pull away again only for them to let slip a ‘6’ that put the home side, led by Pete Thornton and Tony Crawford at two, in front for the first time, 17 – 15. Park got back on level terms on the next end but Borough did enough to pull away and take the win despite dropping a ‘3’ on the last end. Final score 22 – 20.
Rink 5 had Kevin Finan skipping, with Ray lead and Mrs Finan, the only Borough Lady on the green as it turned out, due to a shortage of ladies, and they found themselves very much on the back foot against, John and Judy Bolton and Tony (Skip). A ‘3’ on the seventh end was a welcome relief for this Borough trio making it 4 – 8. Fast forward eight ends though and things were not going well unfortunately, now 4 – 20 down. Thankfully a late rally over the last three ends gained Kevin’s side some crumbs of comfort to finish a more respectable looking 9 – 20.
Finally, Rink 6 had Dug Simmonds leading, Phil Brooker and Phil Saunders skipping. They were up against Howard, Eric and Martin Hogan (Skip) who battled hard to keep things close for a while but it was the eleventh end that turned the tide for Borough with a ‘5’ to go 13 – 6 to the good. Martin’s side regained some ground over the next few ends to close the gap to just a single shot but a ‘4’ on the penultimate end for Phil’s side ensured a second winning rink for Borough, 19 - 15.
Borough = 2 Winning Rinks (62 Shots)
Park = 2 Winning Rinks (72 Shots)
Tiverton Park came out on top overall but close enough for Borough not to feel down hearted and the main thing, as always, is that it was a very enjoyable afternoon.

Tiverton Canal Bowling Club Friendly Triples 62 - 72 Tiverton B C ( Park) 4 x 3

Name Details
1 Ray Cottrell
2 Lesley Finan
3 Kevin Finan 9 - 20
4 Peter Thornton
5 Tony Crawford
6 John Gutteridge 22 - 20
7 Rod Snell
8 Kevin Lower
9 Kevin Parkin 12 - 17
10 Dugald Simmonds
11 Philip Brooker
12 Philip Saunders 19 - 15
13 A.N. Other