Tiverton Canal Bowling Club

Match Report

Match Report - 05 Jul 2024, Tiverton Canal Bowling Club Friendly Triples lost to Sidmouth 4 x 3 Whites

A rather damp afternoon with persistent light rain throughout. Green played well considering and players persevered beyond the half time tea break - finally succumbing to the elements after 15 ends. Borough had mixed fortunes with one win, one draw and two losses and coming second overall by just 5 shots.
Despite the very testing conditions, it was an enjoyable afternoon at a very welcoming Club.

TBBC = 1 Win, 1 Draw (43 Shots)
Sidmouth = 2 Wins, 1 Draw (48 Shots)

Sidmouth 4 x 3 Whites 43 - 48 Tiverton Canal Bowling Club Friendly Triples

Name Details
1 Peter Thornton
2 Andrew Hingston
3 Kevin Finan 10 - 10
4 Ray Cottrell
5 Margaret Gratton
6 Philip Saunders 9 - 15
7 Lesley Finan
8 Rod Snell John G replaced Rod
9 Chris Hutter 18 - 7
10 Peter Sheldrick
11 Brenda Tucker
12 Kevin Parkin 6 - 16
13 John Gutteridge